Dr Zhidao Xia
Dr Zhidao Xia
Senior Lecturer, Swansea University Medical School; VOX China Correspondent

DPhil from Oxford University and medical degrees from China with 12 years experience in orthopaedics and traumatology. He works cross-disciplinary between medicine, engineering, materials sciences and industries. He has wide links in academia and industry in China.夏志道博士在中国获医学学士和医学硕士学位并有12年骨科临床经历。他在牛津大学获博士学位。他的主要研究方向为再生医学(骨组织再生),并从事医学与工程学,材料学和工业界的跨学科研究。他与中国相关学术界和产业界有广泛的联系。