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Balliol Interdisciplinary Institute

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Prof Denis Noble delivers a lecture summarising recent meetings of the Balliol Interdisciplinary Institute (BII) seminar group which he chairs. Combining aspects from evolutionary biology, economics and management, the seminar meetings have discussed how these approaches can be synthesised to create novel ways of looking at the entry of multinational corporations into national markets in East Asia. The tentative initial conclusions are that a cooperative approach usually produces more successful outcomes than a combative one, and the group are scheduled to publish their findings in a prestigious journal in late 2016 / early 2017.

Additional principal contributors to the BII seminar meetings are: Prof David Vines (Economics, Balliol College), Prof Colin Mayer (Management, Former Head of the Said Business School), and Yun Hee Lee (CEO, Macoll Communication Consulting).  This lecture was filmed in Balliol College, University of Oxford as part of the college’s Donors Day.