A call to the whole nation
Today, Voices from Oxford posts a new song, written by the leader of THE OXFORD TROBADORS, and Chairman of VOX, Denis Noble. Performed in an Oxford garden on Thursday 16th April at the time of the applause for NHS and key workers, the song uses a melody from the Oxford Trobador repertoire: A l’ora de l’aubada, by Nadau
. The song echoes our recent post “Why do we walk toward danger?”Versions with subtitles in foreign languages are being prepared. Links to French and Italian already exist.
VOX also celebrates the great efforts at Oxford University to develop a vaccine. We wish the researchers involved all good fortune in their heroic efforts. Prof. Adrian Hill is the Director of the Jenner Institute and is working alongside Prof. Sarah Gilbert to lead the University of Oxford COVID-19 vaccine project. More information about this work can be found here: https://covid19vaccinetrial.co.uk/ We will also be posting links to charity donations towards the Oxford University research on coronavirus. If viewers wish to donate directly the link is https://www.development.ox.ac.uk/make-a-gift/coronavirus-research-fund
Research related to Coronavirus is continuing in many other Oxford laboratories including both the “James & Lillian Martin Centre for Stem Cell Research”, and the “SARS-CoV-2 containment Level 3 Virology Facility” at the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology. Their web site is www.wsjlab.com.