Is there alien life out there in the universe?  Can we really be alone in the cosmos?  Hear from leading NASA and ESA scientists about humanity’s first steps in the search for life elsewhere.  The first and most likely points of call within our own solar system are Jupiter’s moon Europa, and Saturn’s moon Enceladus.  This one day conference sought to discuss the investigation, strategies and challenges ahead for exploration of the oceans of these far off worlds.

The conference took place on 11th July 2015 at the Dickson Poon Lecture Theatre, St Hugh’s College, University of Oxford.

There are 13 lectures, a group discussion video, a series of short, summary interviews with the live presenters, and a short compilation video which asked the question of whether we’ll find alien life in the 21st Century.

Please scroll down to see the full list.


Will we find aliens this century?

Lectures & Summaries

Video: The Search for a 2nd Genesis of Life

by Dr Chris McKay, AstroGeophysicist, NASA Ames Research Center, California, USA

Video: The Prospects for Life on the Icy Moons of Jupiter and Saturn

Video: Lecture Summary

by Dr Alex Rogers, Professor of Conservation Biology at the Department of Zoology, Somerville College, University of Oxford

Video: Uninhabited habitats in the Universe

Video: Lecture Summary

by Dr Charles Cockell, Professor of Astrobiology, University of Edinburgh

Video: So you are on the planet – Now find your life

Video: Lecture Summary

by Dr Doug Connelly, Principal Geochemist, National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, UK

Video: Penetrating the Ice of Europa and Enceledus

by Dr Sanjay Vijendran, Applied Physicist, ESA Ice Penetrator Project, Directorate of Science and Robotic Exploration

Video: JUICE: The Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer

by Dr Leigh Fletcher, Professor of Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics, University of Oxford

Video: Technologies for in situ Evidence of Life Detection

by Dr David Cullen, Professor of Bioanalytical Technology, Centre for Bio-Medical Engineering, Cranfield University

Video: The thermal limits to life on Earth

Video: Lecture Summary

by Dr Andy Clarke, British Antarctic Survey

Video: “Super Positive” Outcomes For Search for Life In Enceladus and Europa Oceans

Video: Lecture Summary

by Robert Walker, Blogger of space exploration and astrobiology

Video: IceMole Project

Video:  Lecture Summary

by Dr Bernd Dachwald, IceMole Project, Professor of Astronautical Engineering, Aachen University

Video: Coming soon…

by Dr Jill Mikucki, Professor of Microbiology, University of Tennessee

Video: Coming soon…

by Dr Bill Stone, Founder of Stone Aerospace, Austin, Texas, USA

Video: Deep Drill for Exploration of Mars, Europa, and Enceladus

by Dr Kris Zacny, Vice-President and Director of Exploration Technology, Honeybee Robotics


Video: Group Discussion – The Search for Extraterrestrial Life